1. 2016- The Detroit Literacy Lawsuit- 7 Detroit students sued Detroit Public Schools and the State of Michigan.
The 7 students alleged that they had no real chance obtaining an education because of poor conditions in school buildings, lack of textbooks, scarce le…
Reading should be a part of your daily life, pick up a great book and read it with a friend.
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Here at The Moon Reading Group, we believe in providing our readers with only the best children's books on the market. But we also know that sometimes navigating the large number…
The Michigan Read by Third Grade Law was enacted in law in 2016, by the Michigan legislatures. The law was simple, it addressed the literacy problems facing our states K-3rd grade students. Students in 3rd grade did so poorly on the reading portion of the MSTEP, w…
While reading is obviously important to be able to understand the words on the page, it is also the foundation of your ability to learn and, ultimately, your ability to function properly in an ever-changing society. Do you remember as…
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